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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Scherbarth

  • Production engineering
  • Manufacturing technology
  • Metal Cutting Technology
  • Machine tools
  • Additive manufacturing


Course Director: Master Mechatronic and Cyber-Physical Systems

consulting time

on Friday: 10:00-11:00 (C231), by appointment


core competencies

  • Metal Cutting Technology
  • Cutting tool materials
  • Gear milling
  • Machining cycles for machine tools and their programming


1991-1992: Scientific assistant at the TU Hamburg-Harburg 1992-1994: Head of the cutting technology at the TU Hamburg-Harburg 1994-2001: Product manager at Sandvik Coromant GmbH 2001-2006: Head of Cutting Material Technology at Sandvik Coromant 2006-2015: Manager European Application Center Automotive of Sandvik Coromant since 2014: Professor at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics


Research & Consulting

  • Development of cutting tools
  • Manufacturing of gears on 5-axis machine tools
  • Manufacturing of rotors for screw compressors
  • Process optimization and process development for machining